Hi, We’re The Flashies, and We Want To Publish Your Work.
We’re a writing group devoted to flash CNF (creative nonfiction), and we’ve spent the last two years editing each other’s pieces while racking up publishing creds. We love working in flash— the electric way a single sentence, a single short paragraph, a single phrase can change the way you view yourself and the world in the span of a moment. We want to create more opportunities for short flash nonfiction in the literary world, and are excited to do so here.
The five of us will co-edit the In A Flash literary magazine here on Substack, each month publishing one piece of excellent creative nonfiction, written to theme, in 500 words or less. We’ll also spotlight the author with a Q&A section and lots of editorial compliments.
If you’re already excited about submitting, yay! Please see our submission guidelines below.
If you’re already excited about reading, yay! Please subscribe and tell your friends.
The Word Count
500 words or less. NO EXCEPTIONS.
The Theme
As a subscriber to In A Flash, you’ll receive our list of themed submission calls in every issue. Please submit according to that month’s theme. Submissions must be previously unpublished. Only one submission per author for each theme, please.
The Timeline
Submissions will be open from the first to the fifteenth of every month for which a theme has been publicized. Submissions received after the fifteenth of the month will not be read.
The Submission
Direct all submissions to InAFlashLitMag@gmail.com with the subject line: SUBMISSION, THEME, TITLE OF PIECE. Include a bio of 50 words or less, and your submission pasted into the body of the email. No attachments. Simultaneous submissions are fine, but please inform us if the piece is accepted elsewhere.
Submissions will be read blind by our lead editor.
If your piece is accepted, you will also be asked for the following:
Answers to a few questions for our Q&A
A high-quality headshot
Social media handles/links
We’re eager to give you the spotlight!
The author of the accepted piece will also receive a $25 honorarium for their work.
Oh, And One More Thing…
Hey, it’s only 500 words. Don’t use A.I. You’re better than that.
Submission Calls
From October 1-15, please submit pieces on the theme of STILL.
From November 1-15, please submit pieces on the theme of BODY.
From December 1-15, please submit pieces on the theme of RHYTHM.
From January 1-15, please submit pieces on the theme of DREAMS.
From February 1-15, please submit pieces of the theme of GROWTH.
The Editorial Board
Our five co-editors will take turns serving as Editor-in-Chief throughout the year. Please click our links to follow us individually.
Ready? Set? GO!
We can’t wait to read your work!
This is sooooo exciting!! Congratulations you all! Can't wait to read!
Super work, Flashies!